
Our environmental commitment


Protecting the health and wellbeing of our planet is essential to us. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact by adopting strategies and good daily practices. 

We are working in the following areas.


We foster recycling by implementing the separate collection of waste. In our break rooms, we implemented smart water dispensers and intelligent coffee machines capable of detecting the presence of cups. This helps us reduce paper and plastic consumption.

CO2 emissions

We subscribed to the myclimate foundation, one of the most important international actors committed to developing high-quality projects promoting quantifiable climate protection and greater sustainability worldwide. Thanks to this subscription, we adopted sustainable fuel cards that help reduce our company fleet’s environmental impact. For every liter of fuel delivered, CO2 emissions are compensated through supporting environmental protection projects for sustainable development. Furthermore, the introduction of the Agile Work project resulted in a reduction of the Deda’s People movements, which led to an 80% decrease in CO2 emissions in one year.

Sustainable mobility

To encourage sustainable commuting by the Deda People, we are experimenting with a charging station for electric bicycles and scooters at our Trento headquarters. The goal is to expand the project to the other Group's offices.

Printer paper

We purchase only printer paper produced according to the standards of FSC® and PEFC forest management certifications. These standards ensure a commitment to environmental protection for responsible forest management, ensuring that all wood used to produce paper comes from controlled resources. That means that new trees are periodically planted to offset those used for paper production, ensuring that the balance between trees planted and trees felled is positive. The manufacturing company is ISO 14001 certified.

Data centers

We select data centers with the best ESG standards developed according to the Green IT criteria.

Photovoltaic panels

We installed photovoltaic panels in our Trento headquarters.

The culture of Agile Work gets stronger, also for the environment's benefit

With the introduction of the Agile Work Made in Deda, we wanted to permanently rethink how we experience the company, going beyond the concept of home working and starting a strategic reorganization of work activities based on measurable goals.

An organizational and cultural change that has been embraced today by 90% of the Deda People. This transformation aims at achieving a new balance between physical and virtual space. Strengthening the Agile Work's culture means learning how to make the most of the peculiarities and differences between home working and office working. Therefore, we started to restyle our offices, creating collaborative spaces and workstations.

Dedagroup's Agile Work project aims to achieve people's well-being and environmental sustainability. According to an internal survey about sustainable mobility, the introduction of the Agile Work project resulted in an 80% annual decrease of Deda People movements-related emissions, which translates into a saving of 1,631 tons of CO2 emitted in the atmosphere, or the planting of a 54,000 trees forest.

Read our press release

“The new Agile Work model does not represent a point of arrival. Instead, it is a further stage on a path of cultural renewal that the Group has embraced and will follow for the next years. Our purpose is to create a blended workplace balanced between virtual and physical space, where it is possible to achieve goals and to create value being less tied to the concepts of time and space”.

Valentina Gilli, HR Director

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